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Unit 2/840 King Georges Road, South Hurstville, NSW 2221

Get Rid of Cockroaches For Good!

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Cockroaches Control - Extermination

Get your home professionally treated by Termite Help and Redback Pest Control, We offer important solutions for pest problems INC: Termite Control, Cockroach Control, Cockroaches  Control, Flea Control, Spider Control, Ant Control, Bee & Wasps Control & many others.

Why risk your Cockroaches  control? when you can trust Termite Help and Redback Pest Control to take care of your pest control services. Cockroaches  are prolific breeders,call us to eliminate Cockroaches from your home or business. With our tailored service options, you can be confident that your Cockroaches  problem is under control when you choose Redback Pest Control, and we’ll take care of the rest. As part of our tailored Cockroaches  control services, our Cockroaches  exterminators treat for:

All Cockroaches

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About Cockroaches 

Cockroaches  can cause: transmission of serious diseases to you and your family.


  • The German Cockroach, which originally came from Africa, is the smallest of the pest species.


  • IThe German Cockroach is the hardest pest cockroach to get rid of and is the most troublesome in Sydney. It can be found anywhere in the home but is probably most common in the kitchen, frequently inside cupboards, drawers and electrical appliances.


The German Cockroach is found throughout Australia.

Contact us today to learn more about our Cockroach control service. 1800-837-643

Protecting You From Cockroaches - Guaranteed

Your satisfaction is our top priority.

Feeding and diet

  • The German Cockroach eats almost anything but prefers starchy foods like sweets, rice and cereal.

Other behaviours and adaptations

  • The German Cockroach is also the most sociable of the pest species and is often found in large groups, especially near warm areas like Fridge, microwaves, kettle.

Life history cycle

  • Females carry an egg capsule containing 30 – 48 eggs at the end of their abdomen. When the eggs are close to hatching, the females attach the capsule in a dark corner where the young can emerge safely. One female German Cockroach can produce up to 20,000 young annually.

Tailored Cockroaches Control Treatments

At Termite Help and Redback Pest Control, we offer a comprehensive residential Cockroaches control service that is designed to effectively eliminate Cockroaches  from your home or business. With our team of expert exterminators and state-of-the-art techniques, you can rest assured that your Cockroaches problem is in good hands.

What can you expect when you partner with us for Cockroaches control and  removal services: We offer over 30 years of Cockroaches control in Sydney,Blue Mountains and Wollongong along with the understanding of the local environment, areas like North Sydney and Blue mountains have a higher rate of Cockroaches infestations.

  • Family-Safe Treatments: We understand the value of keeping your home and business pets safe. That’s why our Cockroaches control treatments are specially formulated to be pet and children-friendly. You can trust that our methods are 100% safe, providing peace of mind for you and your loved ones.
  • Expert Exterminators: Our team of highly trained pest control technicians specializes in Cockroaches control methods and has extensive experience dealing with various Cockroaches species. With their expertise and knowledge, they can effectively eliminate Cockroaches from your home and business and prevent future infestations.
  • Integrated Pest Management: As part of our Cockroaches control services, we offer up to date services to seal off entry points and prevent Cockroaches from reentering your home or business. Our trained technicians will use high-quality materials to seal any openings larger than an inch or any large gaps, ensuring that Cockroaches cannot gain access to your property.
  • Convenient Phone Hours: Our dedicated customer service team is available anytime between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. to address any concerns or questions you may have. We believe in providing exceptional service and support to our valued customers.

When it comes to residential Cockroaches control, trust the experts at Termite Help and Redback Pest Control. With our years of experience and industry-leading techniques, we have the knowledge and tools to effectively eliminate Cockroaches from your home and business. Contact our team today to learn more about our services and take the first step towards a pest and Cockroaches -free property.

  • A comprehensive inspection of your home and property, identifying problem areas and entry points. This allows us to develop a customized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.
  • Strategically-placed bait stations in areas frequently visited by Cockroaches, while ensuring they are away from your family and pets. We also utilize Cockroaches traps as needed.
  • Minor exclusion repairs for openings smaller than an inch or any large gaps.
  • In cases of severe Cockroaches infestations, we will return within 2 to 4 weeks to monitor progress and activity and make any adjustments to your Cockroaches control service.

Cockroaches And Pest Control Safety Precautions

At Termite Help and Redback Pest Control, when using Cockroaches pest control methods, we follow these safety precautions:

  • We read the product label before use and only apply pesticides in accordance with the label directions, including any safety information
  • We wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when handling pesticides.
  • We do not place treatments in areas where they can be accessed by children, pets, wildlife or livestock.
  • We place treatments only in locations from which they can later be inspected if needed.
  • We keep a record of treatments with tracking technology and and identification software.
  • We notify all occupants of the building about the use of pesticides.
  • We do not place treatments where they can contaminate food or food-handling areas.
  • We do not eat, drink or smoke when handling pesticides.
  • We always wash PPE such as gloves, clothes and boots after pesticide use.
  • We store pesticides in their original containers and ensure that the label remains intact – do not transfer products to alternative containers.

Major Cockroaches Pest Species

  • German cockroach (Blatella germanica) German cockroaches are amber in colour, 12-15 millimetres long when fully grown, with two dark longitudinal stripes. They have wings that extend beyond the abdomen, but do not appear to fly. They are the most prolific breeder of the pest cockroaches; generally having three to four generations per year, with up to 40 offspring per generation. They take as little as 40 days to develop from hatchling to adult. Adults often carry egg sacs.German cockroaches will eat almost any organic material, ranging from crumbs to built-up grease. They can survive for up to a month without food, provided that water is available.

    German cockroaches congregate in warm, undisturbed areas of high humidity. Most infestations are found in kitchens. Cockroaches may be found under sinks, in and under cupboards and drawers, and around electrical equipment such as refrigerators. They hide in cracks and crevices during the day and feed at night. Sightings in other areas of the house, for example bedrooms, may indicate a large infestation. When inspecting for German cockroaches a torch should be used to search for live or dead cockroaches, faecal pellets (small, dried faecal particles), faecal smears, cast off skins and empty egg cases. A thorough treatment of all cracks and crevices, voids and surfaces on which cockroaches are likely to travel is required in infested areas.

    German cockroaches generally spread to new locations as stowaways in cardboard boxes or crates of food and drink. A few individuals can establish themselves in a new location and rapidly breed to huge numbers.

  • American cockroach (Periplaneta americana)American cockroaches are the largest common pest species of cockroach, reaching 35-40 millimetres in length. They are reddish-brown in colour with a pale yellow border around the upper part of the thorax and pale legs. They have wings and males can be distinguished from females as their wings extend beyond the tip of the abdomen. American cockroaches are capable of flying short distances in warm conditions.

    Females produce up to 50 large egg capsules in their lifetime, each containing 12 to 16 eggs. They usually carry these around for about 2 days, then drop them or glue them to surfaces close to food and water. Nymphal development takes 6-12 months and the adult lifespan is 6-12 months.

  • Australian cockroach (Periplaneta australasiae) These are darkish-brown cockroaches, about 35 millimetres long with yellow markings on the upper part of the thorax and on the fore margins of the forewings. Females produce up to 20 egg cases, each containing up to 24 eggs. Development takes 6-12 months and adults live for 4-8 months.Australian cockroaches are most commonly found in warm sub-tropical to tropical environments and usually live outside in greenhouses, in and around shrubs and trees, around woodpiles and under bark or leaf litter in gardens. They sometimes come indoors and will inhabit subfloor, wall and roof voids. They prefer food of plant origin, becoming a pest when they enter homes and eat holes in clothing and books.

    As Australian cockroaches are usually found outdoors, applications of insecticides to foundation plantings, woodpiles and mulch may be required. Residual barrier sprays can substantially reduce Australian cockroach populations around houses. Dusting sewage lines, roof and wall voids is an effective method of control if Australian cockroaches are infested in these areas. Baits and other formulations better suited for damp locations can provide control in cellars and greenhouses.

  • Smokybrown cockroach (Periplaneta fuliginosa) Smokybrown cockroaches are about 30 millimetres long, a shiny dark brown-black colour and fully winged. Egg cases contain up to 26 eggs and are dropped or glued to surfaces. When hatched, nymphs take 6-12 months to develop to adulthood. Adults live for 6-12 months, during which time females produce up to 17 egg cases. Smokybrown cockroaches are susceptible to losing moisture through their cuticle, and so are usually found in damp, dark, poorly ventilated environments. They rarely infest the dwelling parts of buildings, and are instead found in sheds, wall and roof voids, subfloors, mulched areas, in and around grease traps and in drains. They prefer food of plant origin, and are therefore often a pest in greenhouses, nurseries and gardens. They can fly short distances in warm weather, and are often attracted to lights at night.
  • Brownbanded cockroach (Supella longipalpa) Brownbanded cockroaches are small (10-15 millimetres long) and pale glossy brown with very pale bands across the thorax and abdomen. These bands may appear irregular or broken, but are usually quite apparent on nymphs and females. Nymphs and females are broad when viewed from above, while the male is slender. The male’s wings extend beyond the abdomen but the female’s wings are smaller, exposing the abdomen, whereas nymphs have underdeveloped wings. Females produce up to 13 yellow to reddish brown egg cases, which may contain up to 18 eggs. They are usually carried around for 1-2 days before being glued to surfaces. Development from nymph to adult takes only 2-4 months and adults usually live for 3-6 months.Brownbanded cockroaches tend to be an indoor pest. They like to feed on starchy materials such as books and wallpaper paste, but have also been known to eat clothing items such as nylon stockings. They hide in warm areas near the ceiling, behind wall decorations and loose wallpaper, in piles of paper in cabinets, beneath or inside upholstered furniture, and in electrical appliances such as stereos, and toasters. Activity may be scattered throughout the building, making control difficult.

    These cockroaches may leave tiny, dark droppings and cast skins on cabinets and shelves. They are commonly transported in furniture, luggage, and other items in houses and can develop into persistent infestations during warm, humid conditions. It is not unusual to see them during the day. They are active and may fly in warm conditions, or if disturbed.

    When locating these insects, look for faecal smears, cast skins, alive or dead individuals and egg cases glued to places in higher and drier areas than other cockroaches normally occupy. Brownbanded cockroach control often requires extensive treatment throughout an entire building, with particular attention to furniture, cupboards, bookshelves and other such harbourages.

  • Oriental cockroach (Blatta orientalis) Oriental cockroaches are of medium size (20-25 millimetres long) and are uniformly dark brown to black. Male wings cover most of the abdomen, female wings are reduced, and nymphs have no wings. These cockroaches generally do not fly. The female may produce up to 14 egg cases in her lifetime, each containing up to 16 eggs. She carries her egg case around for about one day before gluing it to a surface. Nymphal development may take 6-18 months and adults live for 3-6 months.Oriental cockroaches prefer cool climates and are often found outdoors under leaf litter and bark, in damp subfloors and around drainage systems. They are relatively sluggish and are usually located at or below ground level in buildings where they eat a range of decaying organic matter. Starches and books may also be attacked.

    Inspections for these cockroaches should concentrate in areas of high humidity and cool temperatures. Cellars, crawl spaces, and around plumbing in kitchens and bathrooms should be inspected for faecal smears, live or dead cockroaches and egg cases.

  • Reference point: https://www.health.vic.gov.au/ environmental-health/cockroaches-pest-control

Effective cockroach control relies on the education and co-operation of the residents of the infested area. This requires:

1.A thorough inspection of the infested area.

  • A torch or pyrethrin aerosol may be used to flush cockroaches out of their harbourages. Sticky traps can be effective for long-term monitoring of populations.

2.Measures to reduce access to food, water and shelter, including:

  • Maintaining a high standard of hygiene
  • Reducing water availability by removing unnecessary containers of water and repairing leaky taps and pipes.
  • Storing food in sealed airtight containers, emptying garbage bins regularly and keeping garbage bin lids tightly closed.

Sealing cracks and crevices where possible.

3.Application of pesticides to areas that will target the cockroaches, may consist of any or a combination of:

  • Surface sprays applied to cracks, crevices and voids that may harbour cockroaches, and surfaces where cockroaches travel. Food-handling surfaces must not be treated. Cupboards and pantries should be emptied before treatment.
  • Space sprays or ULV (ultra-low volume) machines to treat an entire indoor area. It should be noted that space sprays are unlikely to effectively penetrate harbourages and the trend is toward using fewer sprays and more dusts and baits.
  • Dusts are used in areas that cannot be treated with wet sprays. Dusts can be applied to cracks and crevices, in electrical equipment, and in wall and roof voids. They should always be applied lightly and carefully to avoid the risk of humans coming in contact with the dust.
  • Baits may be in the form of gels, pastes, particles or bait stations. Baits are becoming increasingly useful in cockroach control and the use of baits can offer safety advantages if treatment is required in commercial food-handling areas, schools or hospitals.

Chemicals must always be used according to label directions and the effectiveness of chemical control may be limited by poor hygiene.

4.Follow-up inspection and monitoring.

Prevent Cockroaches with Smart Services

Why people prefer  Termite Help and Redback Pest Control

We do all termite and pest control services. We take Cockroach control seriously and take great pride in delivering the best pest control service. We only employ the best of the best; our technicians have at least 10 years experience in the industry.

We promise you:

  • 100% satisfaction or we come back and fix it at no extra charge.
  • On time service.
  • We leave your home exactly the way we found it.
  • People, pet and planet friendly.

One of the key components of our Cockroaches control service is exclusion work. During our comprehensive inspection of your property, we will look for potential entry points that Cockroaches might be using to enter your home. Using high-quality products, we will seal openings preventing Cockroaches from entering your home. For larger exclusion, we provide detailed communication and recommendations on the best method of repair.

Get Started Today! Call us at 0400 733 222 or


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Thank you Ken for doing our pest control. We’ve already seen an amazing result and seen some big red back spiders dead which gives us peace of mind with our toddler playing outside and putting his fingers everywhere

Thank you Ken for doing our pest control. We’ve already seen an amazing result and seen some big red back spiders dead which gives us peace of mind with our toddler playing outside and putting his fingers everywhere

Thank you Ken for doing our pest control. We’ve already seen an amazing result and seen some big red back spiders dead which gives us peace of mind with our toddler playing outside and putting his fingers everywhere
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