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How to Keep Mice Out of Your Home

Mice are notorious for finding their way into our homes, especially during the colder months. Not only can they be a nuisance, but they also pose health risks by spreading diseases. If you’re wondering how to keep mice away and prevent them from invading your living space, this comprehensive guide is here to help. Follow these tips to mouse-proof your home effectively.

Seal Entry Points
One of the most effective ways to keep mice out of your home is to seal any potential entry points. Inspect your house for gaps, cracks, and holes in walls, floors, basement, foundations, or in the crawl space. Use steel wool or caulk to seal these openings, as mice can easily gnaw through softer materials.

Seal Gaps Around Doors and Windows
Inspect doors and windows for gaps, and use weatherstripping to seal any openings. Mice can squeeze through surprisingly small spaces, so pay attention to even minor gaps. Installing door sweeps at the base of exterior doors can also help prevent mice from entering.

Keep a Tidy Environment
Mice are attracted to food sources and cozy nesting spots. Reduce their motivation to enter your home by maintaining a clean and clutter-free environment. Regularly sweep and mop floors, clean crumbs from countertops, promptly wipe up any spills, don’t leave unwashed dishes overnight. Declutter storage areas to eliminate potential nesting sites.

Close Off Access to Food Sources
To deny mice access to potential source of food, store dry goods such as cereals, bread, pasta, and other grains in airtight containers made of metal, glass, or thick plastic. Ensure that pantry shelves are clean and free of spilled food.